Designated Agent

Employer Manual



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By law, employers affiliated with KPERS are required to name a designated agent. This is someone from your employer who provides a local contact for Retirement System information, transactions, forms and member communication. As a designated agent, you and other KPERS Employer Contacts function as liaisons between the Retirement System and your employer. The staff at KPERS appreciates the work you do serving KPERS' members. Thank you.

With changing legislation and complex regulations and procedures, KPERS staff is not able to keep all members up to date on what’s going on. That’s where you come in. Here are some of the responsibilities of a KPERS designated agent.

  • Distributing information to employees in a timely manner. Examples of information requiring immediate distribution are:
    • Notices of legislative changes that could affect member benefits.
    • Notices of upcoming KPERS informational meetings.
    • Member newsletter and other e-mails.
  • Using the employer web portal (EWP) to:
    • Enroll employees working in KPERS-covered positions.
    • Report pay and send contributions to KPERS.
    • Report wages for employees working after-retirement and send employer contributions.
    • Provide end dates for employees leaving employment.
    • Process retirement certifications.
    • Adding EWP users.

    For more, see the EWP Section of the Employer Manual. Quick Vid: Home Page Tour

  • Attending employer workshops
  • KPERS has in-person workshop seminars across the state for designated agents and other staff who work with KPERS. Visit the Employer Training Page. In the fall, register for a workshop near you.

    For more training, we offer workshop webinars every fall and topic-driven webinars throughout the year.

Your employer may need additional help with KPERS matters. Designated agents can assign EWP user roles to staff to help with duties involving:

  • Bank - access and change bank info for employer
  • Death & Disability - report death or disability of member
  • Enrollment - enroll new members, access to Employee Info screen, and end dates
  • Invoice - pay invoices
  • Message Admin - read & send via Message Board
  • OGLI - access member premium info, create reports and pay invoices, add end dates
  • Pay Reports - create & submit pay reports
  • POS (Service Quarters) Certify - certify service quarters for the employer for the year
  • Rate Certify - certify contribution rates for the year
  • Read Only - no access to processes

Adding contacts and assigning roles is not required, but it is highly recommended.

As the designated agent, only you can add and delete contacts and assign roles. KPERS can no longer do this.

Adding Contacts

  1. In the EWP, click Employer Info.
  2. Under the Details tab, click New.
  3. Enter the new contact's name, title, individual email address and work phone.
  4. Click on the role(s) you want to assign to the contact (see roles, above).
  5. Click Save. You'll receive and email to confirm the contact was added.
    If new contact's email address is not in the system, you'll see a new screen.
  6. On the new screen, click Create EWP User to activate the email address. The new contact will receive a temporary password to set up their EWP account.

Changing Contact's Info

  1. In the EWP, click Employer Info.
  2. Click on contact's name to open his or her details.
  3. Make needed changes (roles and/or phone number).*
  4. Click Save.

Unlocking and Resetting Login for Contacts

If a contact is locked out of his or her account, click Unlock User. The contact will receive a temporary password and you'll receive a conformation email.

If a contact can’t remember the security info to get into his or her account, click Reset User. The contact will receive a temporary password, and you’ll receive a confirmation email. The contact can then set up new security info.


Click Cancel to leave the Contact Details screen.
Click Delete to remove a contact who no longer need EWP access.

New designated agents must complete and sign a KPERS-2 form.


Under the Forms & Publications in the top navigation of this page, you can choose to view forms by user or forms by number